Tappings By Louie E. Galloway Tappings
Poems by Louie E. Galloway
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Tappings, Poems by Louie E. Galloway is now available for purchase.
Click here to buy the book at Lulu.

Louie Galloway is a preeminent poet of place. That place may be the piney woods of Louisiana or the urban streets of Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. Wherever she has found herself, she has spoken in the stubbornly quiet, insistent, and maturing voice of a woman and an artist. Louie Galloway’s poems are the passionate and committed markers of an adventurous life, pointing the reader to the sure ground on which we stand all stand.” – David Eberly



This is a web page of writer and poet’s Louie Elizabeth Galloway work. She grew up in rural Louisiana and New Orleans. She received her doctorate from Boston University and taught at Massachusetts College of Art, where she is professor emerita. Some of these poems have appeared in Poiesis, Coal City Review, Trivia, Kalliope, Hanging Loose, New England Studies Association Newsletter, Phantasm and in Imagination and Place: An Anthology. read more…

Contact: gallowaypottery@gmail.com